Guidelines for Publishing
Web Pages on the Internet
Recommended by the National Genealogical Society
Appreciating that publishing information through Internet Web sites and Web
pages shares many similarities with print publishing, considerate family
- apply a title identifying both the entire Web site and the particular
group of related pages, similar to a book-and-chapter designation, placing
it both at the top of each Web browser window using the <TITLE> HTML
tag, and in the body of the document, on the opening home or title page and
on any index pages.
- explain the purposes and objectives of their Web sites, placing the
explanation near the top of the title page or including a link from that
page to a special page about the reason for the site.
- display a footer at the bottom of each Web page which contains the Web
site title, page title, author's name, author's contact information, date of
last revision and a copyright statement.
- provide complete contact information, including at a minimum a name and
e-mail address, and preferably some means for long-term contact, like a
postal address.
- assist visitors by providing on each page navigational links that lead
visitors to other important pages on the Web site, or return them to the
home page.
- adhere to the NGS “Standards for Sharing
Information with Others” regarding copyright, attribution, privacy,
and the sharing of sensitive information.
- include unambiguous source citations for the research data provided on the
site, and if not complete descriptions, offering full citations upon
- label photographic and scanned images within the graphic itself, with
fuller explanation if required in text adjacent to the graphic.
- identify transcribed, extracted or abstracted data as such, and provide
appropriate source citations.
- include identifying dates and locations when providing information about
specific surnames or individuals.
- respect the rights of others who do not wish information about themselves
to be published, referenced or linked on a Web site.
- provide Web site access to all potential visitors by avoiding enhanced
technical capabilities that may not be available to all users, remembering
that not all computers are created equal.
- avoid using features that distract from the productive use of the Web
site, like ones that reduce legibility, strain the eyes, dazzle the vision,
or otherwise detract from the visitor's ability to easily read, study,
comprehend or print the online publication.
- maintain their online publications at frequent intervals, changing the
content to keep the information current, the links valid, and the Web site
in good working order.
- preserve and archive for future researchers their online publications and
communications that have lasting value, using both electronic and paper
©2000, 2001 by National Genealogical Society. Permission is
granted to copy or publish this material provided it is reproduced in its
entirety, including this notice.