Olde Occupations
M - P

A | B | C | D-E | F-G | H-L | M-P | Q-S | T-Z
Macon mason
Macun mason
Maderer gathered and sold garlic
Maid female domestic servant
Mail Guard armed guard, frequently an ex-soldier, employed on the mail coach service
Maise Maker made measures for weighing herring catch
Malemaker maker of 'Males' or traveling bags
Malender farmer
Malster brewer, maker or seller of malts
Maltster brewer, maker or seller of malts
Manciple steward
Mangle Keeper woman who offered use of the mangle for a fee
Mangler works a mangle
Mango slave dealer
Mantuamaker dressmaker
Marbler stained paper or other material, veined in imitation of marble
Marescallus marshal
Marine soldier serving on a ship
Mariner sailor
Marshall horse doctor or shoe smith
Marshman paid by various landowners to look after marshlands and tend the animals put to graze there for the season
Marson mason
Mashmaker maker of the mash-vats or mashels used for mixing malt
Mason bricklayer; stone carver/cutter
Master one of three grades of skill recognized by the Guild of Crafts
Master Lumper contractor of laborers at cheap rate of pay
Master Mariner ship's captain
Master Shifter in charge on repair shift
Master Weaver someone who employs a number of weavers to supply him with woven cloth
Matchet Forger knife maker
Mawer mower
Mayer physician
Mealman dealer in meal or flour
Medicus leech; doctor
Melder corn miller
Melitia Man someone who belongs to a group who were on stand by to take up arms to support a government
Mercator merchant
Mercer cloth seller
Meterer poet
Midwife experienced woman who assists in child birth
Milesman railway worker who had a length of railway track to keep in good order
Miller corn miller, cloth miller, saw miller
Milleress miller's wife
Millers Carman drove carrier to deliver the flour or seed to the customers
Millner maker of women's' hats
Millow miller
Millpeck sharpener of mill stones
Millwright designer & builder of mills or mill machinery
Milstone Inspector vagrant, a gentleman of the road
Mintmaker issuer of local currency
Mintmaster issuer of local currency
Mixer bartender
Mocado Weaver weaver of woolen cloth used for making clothes 16-17th century
Mold Boy closed and held mold for glassblower, also weighed the bottles
Molendinarius miller
Molitor miller
Mondayman worked for landowner on Mondays in lieu of rent
Monger seller of goods (ale, fish)
Montebank seller of ineffectual patent medicines
Monthly Nurse assisted women during the first month after giving birth
Moulder maker of molds or castings, brick maker
Mudlark sewer cleaner, riverbank scavenger
Muffin Maker made muffins
Muffin Man itinerant seller of muffins
Muggler pigman
Mugseller seller of cups, mugs
Mule Minder minded the spinning mules in the cotton mills
Muleskinner teamster
Muleteer mule driver
Multurer miller
Muner miller
Musicker musician
Muslin Flowerer tambouring muslin cloth for household use which would be called embroidery today
Muslin Sewer tambouring muslin cloth for household use which would be called embroidery today
Mustarder made and dealt in mustard
Mustardman made and dealt in mustard
Nagelschiedmeister master nailsmith
Nagsman schools horses, usually for an employer
Nailor nail maker
Nailora maintained the teeth (nails) on the carding machine used for preparing wool and cotton for weaving
Naperer royal servant in charge of table linen
Napier naperer
Narrow Weaver weaver of ribbons, tapes, etc
Navigator laborer employed to dig out a canal bed; (Railway) a laborer who built railway track, embankments, tunnels etc
Navvie laborer employed to dig out a canal bed; (Railway) a laborer who built railway track, embankments, tunnels etc
Neatherder cowherder
Necessary Woman servant responsible for emptying and cleaning chamber pots
Necker worker responsible for the feeding of cardboard into the machine the makes boxes
Nedder needle-maker
Nedeller needle maker
Netter net maker
Nettir knitter
Night Soilman emptied cesspits, ash pits and backyard toilets
Nightman emptied cesspits, ash pits and backyard toilets
Nightwalker watchman or bellman
Nimgimmer doctor
Nipper lorry boy, assisted with the collection and delivery of goods
Noon Tender guarded the goods on the quay while the officers were at lunch
Not Thatcher wig maker
Noterer notary
Occupier tradesman
Oilman sold the oil for lamps
Olitor kitchen gardener (from Olitory-a kitchen garden)
Onsetter hung corves (baskets) on rope at the pit-bottom; later - pushed tubs of coal into the mine-shaft cage
Openers worked in tin plate works, invariably women, separated sheets that became stuck together
Orderly soldier who functioned as a servant for an officer
Ordinary innkeeper with fixed prices
Ordinary Keeper innkeeper with fixed prices
Orrery Maker made a mechanical apparatus for showing the movements of the planets
Orrice Weaver designer of lace patterns to be woven with silk thread and silk
Osier Peeler removed bark from willow rods or osiers which were used in basket weaving
Osler bird-catcher
Osnard herder of oxen
Ostiary monastery door keeper
Ostler groom who cared for horses
Ostler (13th century) innkeeper/taverner; received guests especially in an monastery; stable boy; looked after the horses underground in a coal mine
Out Crier auctioneer
Outdoor officer basic grade of Customs officer
Outrider mounted attendant riding before or behind a carriage
Outworker worker who carried on their occupation at home
Overlooker superintendent or overseer, especially in the textile mills
Overman official below Undermanager but above Deputy in mining
Owler sheep or wool smuggler
Oyster Dredger member of the crew on board an oyster fishing boat
Pack Thread Spinner operator of the machine which made thread or twine
Packer packs goods such as pickles or herring; part of the tinplate process packed in a box for labeling and dispatch
Packman itinerant peddler
Pad Maker made small baskets used for measuring
Page youth being trained for the medieval rank of knight and in the personal service of a knight or attendant upon someone of rank in the medieval period
Paintress woman employed in the pottery industry to hand paint the finished articles
Paling Man seller of eels
Palister ensured the parks were safe and well kept
Palmer a pilgrim; had been, or pretended to have been, to the Holy Land
Paneler saddler
Pannarius clothier and draper
Pannebeter pan-hammerer, or perhaps clothdriver
Pannier Man fish monger
Pannifex worked in the cloth trade
Panter keeper of the pantry
Pantler butler
Paper Ruler set up several inking pens in a machine designed to draw or ink lines on paper
Paper Stainer made wallpaper
Paperer inserted the needles into the paper ready for sale in the needle making trade
Parcheminer parchment maker
Pardoner licensed to sell Papal Indulgences
Parfumier manufacturer and purveyor of scents such as perfumes, colognes and even incense
Pargeter applied ornamental plaster to buildings
Paritor church officer who attended the magistrates and justices at court for the purpose of executing their orders
Parker park caretaker
Parochus rector, pastor
Passage Keeper kept passages and alleys clean
Pasteler pastry chef
Pastor shepherd
Patten Maker clog maker; made wooden soles (patens) to fit under normal shoes
Patton Maker clog maker; made wooden soles (patens) to fit under normal shoes
Paver laid paving stones
Paviour laid paving stones
Pavyler put up pavilions or tents etc
Pedascule schoolmaster
Peeler policeman, constable, bobby; pepper-seller
Pelliparius skinner
Peltarius skinner
Pelterer worked with animal skins
Perambulator surveyor
Perchemear made parchment
Peregrinator itinerant wanderer
Perfumer manufacturer and purveyor of scents such as perfumes, colognes and even incense
Peruker wig maker
Perukmaker wig maker
Pessoner fish monger
Peterman fisherman
Pettifogger shyster lawyer
Petty Chapman merchant, often itinerant
Petty Chapman itinerant dealer in small goods, a peddler
Pewterer made pewter utensils
Philosophical Instrument Maker made scientific instruments
Phrenologist diviner of a person's character based on the bumps on a person's head
Picker cast the shuttle on a loom
Pictor painter
Piecener worked in a spinning mill, employed to piece together any threads which broke
Piecer worked in a spinning mill, employed to piece together any threads which broke
Pigman crockery dealer
Pikelet Maker baker who specialized in making pikelets (a small pancake or crumpet)
Pikeman miller's assistant
Piker tramp or vagrant
Pilcher maker of pilches
Piller robber
Pilot ship steersman
Pinder dog catcher; keeper of the pound or pinfold
Piner laborer
Pinner pin maker
Pinner Up dressmakers assistant; sold broadsheets or ballads in the streets
Pinsetter manually set up bowling pins before the advent of automated pin setting machines
Piper innkeeper
Pirn Winder wound the yarn onto large wheel-like bobbins which were then ready to feed the looms in a cotton mill
Piscarius fishmonger
Piscator fisherman
Pistor baker
Pit Brow Lass female worker who worked on the surface of the mines
Pitman coal miner
Plaicher hedge layer
Plain Worker performed plain sewing or needlework as opposed to an embroiderer
Plaiter maker of straw plaits used in making hats etc
Planker planks or kneads the body of the hat during felting
Plantifene see avernator
Plasher hedge layer
Plasterer worked with roman cement used in stuccoing
Platcher hedge layer
Platelayer men who laid and maintained the railway tracks in Britain
Playderer made plaid
Pleacher hedge layer
Plomer plumber
Ploughwright makes or repairs ploughs/plows
Plowman farmer
Plowwright maker or repairer of plows
Plumassier made or sold plumes, ornamental feathers
Plumber applied sheet lead for roofing and set lead frames for plain or stained glass windows.
Plumbin Worker plumber
Plumbum Worker plumber
Plumer made or sold plumes, ornamental feathers
Pointer sharpened needles or pins or lace maker
Pointmaker made the tips of laces; involved in leather tanning, curing, processing or manufacturing trades
Pointman made the tips of laces; involved in leather tanning, curing, processing or manufacturing trades
Pointsman railway worker who operated the points, used to change the line on which the train was traveling
Poldave Worker made poldave, a coarse fabric
Poleman surveyor's assistant
Polentier poulterer
Poller barber
Ponderator inspector of weights and measures
Porcher pig-keeper
Portable Soup Maker converted soup into a dry form for transporting from place to place
Porter door keeper
Porthmon a drover of cattle/sheep
Post Boy carried mail from town to town; guard who traveled on the mail coach; outrider who traveled with the stagecoach as a postillion
Poster worked in the quarries breaking rocks
Postillion attacher of extra horses to wagons & coaches to help them up hills
Pot Boy/Man worked in public houses washing and removing dirty pots also did other menial tasks
Potato Badger seller of potatoes
Potter maker or seller of pottery
Potter Carrier chemist or pharmacist
Potter Thrower potter who used a wheel and therefore had to throw the clay
Pouchmakers involved in leather tanning, curing, processing or manufacturing trades
Poulter seller of poultry
Power Loom Tuner maintained the loom in mills
Powler barber
Preceptress school mistress
Prediger preacher
Prentis apprentice
Preventive officer officer of the water guard (Customs service)
Prick Louise tailor
Pricker used a type of wire brush to make small holes inside ceramic sewer pipe to prevent spalling during firing; witch hunter; pattern maker; horseman
Prig Napper horse thief
Proctor official of a university
Prop Bobby worked in mines checking the pit props
Prothonary law clerk
Publican innkeeper
Puddler wrought iron worker - worked clay into puddle then used to make things water tight
Pug Mill Operator operated a machine for mixing clay and water, which then exuded a "pug" (a cylinder of clay of any diameter and indefinite length)
Puggaer produce clay paste by treading
Puggard thief
Pull-up Boy employed in iron works - raised the furnace door by tugging at a chain
Pumpmaker maker of canal locks
Punky chimney sweep
Purefinder old women and young girls who went about the streets gathering dog droppings which were used for tanning leather
Purser ship's officer in charge of provisions & accounts
Putter In put things into some form of mechanized process
Pynner pin-maker
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© 2000 Rhonda Stolte Darnell